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3 Months Baby Takes Hours to Feed Talking Distracted

There could be all sorts of reasons why your baby's getting distracted. What you can do about it will depend on how old your baby is.

If she's a newborn, check that she's latching on properly. She needs to take a good mouthful of breast to be able to feed well. Even if your baby is older, it's still worth checking her latch.

Sometimes, a positioning problem or tongue-tie causes a newborn baby to come off the breast and appear distracted. Ask your midwife or breastfeeding specialist for help as soon as you can if you think either of these may be causing the problem.

Occasionally, a strong flow of milk may interrupt a baby's usual feeding pattern. Try not to worry if this happens, as it just takes a little while for your breasts to adjust to your baby's needs.

Your growing baby is constantly learning new skills. She'll soon be able to see more clearly things that were out of focus before. All of this may act as a distraction and lead her to feed for shorter periods of time.

How keenly she feeds may also be affected by how busy your home is. Try to find a quiet, low-lit corner, where you can give your baby your full attention during her feed. Reassure her quietly to settle her down. Offer her your breast a few times before assuming that she's finished feeding.

All babies are different. Some babies breastfeed through any amount of noise and chaos. Others can pull off during feeds and be fussy if there's a lot going on around them.

If there's been an upheaval, such as a house move or a long journey, it may be unsettling your baby. She may pick up on any tension you're feeling, too. Rest assured that as long as she's getting enough milk, she won't go off breastfeeding.

Simple things, such as a change in your deodorant, may cause her to pull away. However, babies soon adapt to fragrances and start to recognise them as part of the smell of you and of feeding. Though you may want to tone it down a bit, just while she gets used to it.

Where babies are concerned, nothing stays the same, breastfeeding included. Teething may make feeds a bit more tricky. And once your baby is bigger and stronger, she may want to be on the move, rather than settle down for long feeds.

Older babies may appear to be losing interest in breastfeeding if they keep coming off the breast. However, it's likely that by this stage she's just become good at getting all the milk she wants in short bursts.

You could try wearing a nursing necklace during feeds. These long bead necklaces are designed for babies to grab, as they're strong and colourful. Your baby can look at or clutch the necklace, helping her to staying focused during a feed.

Watch our video to learn how to tell if your baby's feeding and growing well.


This article was written using the following sources:

Delaunay-El Allam M, Marlier L, Schaal B. 2006. Learning at the breast: preference formation for an artificial scent and its attraction against the odor of maternal milk. Infant Behav Dev 29(3):308-21

Segal LM, Stephenson R, Dawes M. 2007. Prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of ankyloglossia: methodologic review. Can Fam Physician 53: 1027-33. [pdf file, accessed November 2013]

Unicef. 2011. What do mothers need to know about tongue-tie?. UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative. [Accessed November 2013]

Holly Bennett

Holly Bennett is a writer and editor who worked as an assistant editor for BabyCentre. She worked on a range of topics including fertility, pregnancy health and nutrition.
